Current Issue

Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 9/30/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Review Articles

In our journal, current clinical and experimental original articles, reviews, case reports and multidisciplinary studies are published in the fields of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, nutrition and dietetics, midwifery, nursing, and child development. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi aims to contribute the fields of health sciences at national and international level by transforming the studies and researches into scientific publications.

The first issue of Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi was published in July 2017. The issues of peer-reviewed (double-blinded) scientific journal are published in January, May and September in 3 issues in English and / or Turkish. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi is an open access journal and there is no submission and/or article processing charges in this journal. All studies submitted to our journal are subjected to plagiarism screening before the referee evaluation (at least 2 reviewer evaluation). Although there is no definite percentage, articles with plagiarism of 25% or more are returned to the authors. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi complies with the criteria of the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Information for Authors
All articles published or accepted for publication in Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. The scientific responsibility for the articles belongs to the author(s). The Editorial Board of the Journal cannot be held responsible for the scientific content. Articles are evaluated by editors and referees and if appreciate published. Authors are not charged for articles published in the journal (Totally free).

Review and Acceptance Process of the Manuscript
Article submission and evaluation of the manuscript by members of the editorial board are conducted electronically. If the article has previously published quotations, tables, and pictures, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the original author(s) of the article and state it in the article. Papers presented at scientific meetings are accepted provided that they are stated in the article. Besides, published abstracts in special issues of journals should be provided as detailed information.
The Editorial Board evaluates the timeliness of the manuscript, its contribution to the practices and the conformity of the manuscripts with the journal writing rules within 15 working days. Manuscripts that do not comply with the rules of the journal are returned to the responsible author for correction. Manuscripts that comply with the rules of writing may be published after at least two reviewers have been reviewed and approved and the proposed changes have been made by the author(s). Necessary corrections in terms of meaning and spelling rules can be made by editors and referees. The final decision on the publication of the manuscript is up to the editors. After the manuscript is submitted to the journal, none of the authors can be deleted from the list of authors, nor can any names be added as authors and the author’s order cannot be changed.
For the manuscript to be published, the approval of the manuscript is obtained through the final form. The responsible author shall be notified of the number and number of journals in which the manuscript will be published. This evaluation process covers all types of articles submitted to the journal.

Ethical Responsibility (Ethics committee approval of the studies MUST be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
The manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication should not have been previously published, accepted for publication and/or not evaluated in another journal. The papers presented at the congress or symposium should be indicated on the title page. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi is based on the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which guides for authors, reviewers, and editors.
In the method section of experimental research on humans, there should be a sentence indicating that volunteers or patient’s consent was obtained after explaining the procedures applied to them. Author(s), should indicate that the provisions of the principles are observed such investigations; the Declaration of Helsinki (2013 revision), Yükseköğretim Kurulu Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi (dated 29.08.2012, 2012.18.946 numbered), guide Laboratory Animals Care (Guide for the care and use of Laboratory Animals), Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee of the Ministry of Water Affairs and Forestry Regarding the working principles of (15 February 2014 dated, numbered 28914), the regulation on clinical trials of pharmaceutical and biological products, Ministry of Health (13.04.2013 date, 28617 number). In the material-method section of the article, the date/number of the approval of the Ethics Committee should be written.
It should be stated that informed consent was obtained from the participants. Individuals who are not qualified to make decisions (children, unconscious patients, etc.) informed consent should be obtained from parents/first-degree relatives of the participants.
If any financial support is provided for the submitted research, the authors should explain whether there is a conflict of interest with the institutions providing such support, and if so, what type of support they have (institution/organization, type of support) and indicate this situation at the bottom of the title page.
No fee/provision is paid for articles published in the journal. The editorial board accepts that the author(s) have committed that they will not submit their articles to another journal until the evaluation process has been completed. Articles on ethics, scientific, legal, etc. compliance with the rules is the responsibility of the authors.

Agreement Form (Must be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
The "Agreement Form" must be filled out and signed by all authors and uploaded to the system.

Conflict of Interest and Author Contributions (Must be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
Conflict of Interest and Author Contribution Forms must be signed by the corresponding author and uploaded to the system.

• The article should be written in Microsoft Word, 12 points Times New Roman font without a paragraph indentation, A4 size, 2.5 cm from each side of the page, 1.5 line margin, and text sideways format.
• The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English. Articles considered and accepted for publication include abstracts in both Turkish and English.
• The used abbreviations should be indicated in parentheses where they first appear in the text. If the numbers in the text are between "1-9 “they should be written in writing and” 10 and above" they should be written in Arabic numerals. Sentences should not start with numbers.
• If the manuscript was previously presented at a scientific congress, it should be indicated with the sign (*) in the title of the manuscript, and the sign (*) should be explained with the name, place, and date of the meeting at the end of the first page of the text.
• If the research consists of a master or doctoral thesis, it should be indicated with the sign (*) in the title and the sign (*) at the end of the first page of the text should be explained as Institute, year, Master/ Doctoral Thesis.
• All titles should be written without numbering. The first letters of the main headings (Introduction, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References) should be written in bold and left-justified. The second subheadings must be capitalized and left-justified.
• There should not be any space before the point at the end of the sentence and the sentence should be started by leaving a space after the point.
• There should be no spaces before the comma and there should be a space between the words in the sentence.
• Dots should be used when separating decimal numbers.
• Percentage (%) should be written with no spaces between the numbers.
• Where the sign (), “ ” , and / are used, the word must be written without spaces before and after.
• Standard abbreviations should be used in the text, these should be written clearly where they first appear. The sentence should not be started with abbreviations and numbers.
• When using drug names, the generic names of the drugs should be written in Turkish or English.
• Units of measurement should be given under the metric system; for example, they should be written as “mg” and no dots should be used. If the attachment takes it must be separated by ( ' ). Laboratory measurements must be reported by units of the international system (us; Systéme International: SI).
• The table number and table title must be 10 points above the table, leaning left, capitalizing the first letters of the words. A dot should be used after the table number.
• Tables should not contain a vertical line. Each table must be cited in the text. Line margin within the table should be 1 line margin, the text should be 10 points and centered. Explanations for the table should be written at the bottom of the table with a lined margin of 9 points.
• Figures/graphics and pictures should have a sequence number and title, and the title should be under the figures/graphics. The name of the figure/graphic and picture should be left-justified, 10 points, and the first letters of the words should be capitalized. If the shape/chart title is longer than one line, the second line should start at the same line with the first line on the left and be written one line margin.
• Scales, survey forms, etc. used in research can be added as a separate Word file. The text in this format must be 12 points.
• The writing guide of the Turkish language institution should be taken as an example, and Turkish words should be used as possible instead of foreign words. When using unconventional words in Turkish, the foreign language equivalent should be given in parentheses where it first appears (this rule applies to Turkish articles)
The Text Sections should be as follows according to the type of text:

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis:
• The number of words (excluding tables and references) should not exceed 5000 in the text (main text and abstract). Figures, photographs, and pictures should not exceed 3 and the number of tables should not exceed 5.
• Title of the research (Turkish and English)
• Summary in Turkish and English (Average 200-250 words; introduction and purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusions), keywords (Turkish and English)
• Main text: Introduction, materials and methods, results (tables, figures, photographs, pictures), discussion, conclusions and recommendations, acknowledgments (if any), references.

Original Research Article:
• The number of words (excluding tables and references) should not exceed 5000 in the text (main text and abstract). Figures, photographs, and pictures should not exceed 3 and the number of tables should not exceed 5.
• Title of the research (Turkish and English)
• Summary in Turkish and English (Average 200-250 words; introduction and purpose, materials and methods, results, conclusions), keywords (Turkish and English)
• Main text: Introduction, materials and methods, results (tables, figures, photographs, pictures), discussion, conclusions and recommendations, acknowledgments (if any), references.

• It is recommended that the number of words not exceed 4000 with the abstract. It should contain new and up-to-date information. The number of authors should not exceed three. It can be prepared to include the latest medical literature for any subject with medical characteristics. The author is particularly preferred to have published publications on the subject.
• Title of the research (Turkish and English)
• Turkish and English abstract (average 200-250 words, without sections), keywords (Turkish and English)
• Main Text: Introduction, related sub-titles, references.

Case Report:
• It is recommended that the number of words should not exceed 1000 and the number of references should not exceed 15. Diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases are also important. It should be supported by the sufficient number of photographs and diagrams.
• Title of the research (Turkish and English)
• Turkish and English abstract (average 100-150 words, without sections), keywords (Turkish and English)
Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, References.

Letter to the Editor:
Articles containing various opinions, experiences, and questions of the readers about the articles published in the journal in the last year.
• No title and summary sections.
• It should be stated which article (given number, date) was dedicated to. The name, institution, address of the author must be present at the end of the letter. The answer to the letter is given by the editor or the author(s) of the article, again published in the journal.

A. TITLE PAGE AND AUTHOR INFORMATION (Must be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
• The title and author information page should be given separately from the main text on a single page.
• On the title page of the manuscript, the Turkish and English titles of the manuscript should be written in capital letters, bold, and left-justified. The suggested article title length is 10-12 words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title.
• Names and surnames of all authors should be listed under the title according to the author's order. Authors' names should be numbered and the academic title, institution, work phone, e-mail, correspondence addresses, and ORCID iD (for all authors) of the author should be given below. Please identify the corresponding author. This information should only be given on the cover page, not in the articles.
• If the paper has been submitted as a presentation (oral/poster) before, the place and date of the paper should be indicated. If the paper has been prepared from a thesis, the name and date of acceptance of the thesis should be indicated. If any, the persons and organizations supporting the study should be also indicated.
The author's names or the information that identifies the authors ' institutions should not be placed anywhere other than the title page of the manuscript.

B. MAIN TEXT (Must be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
The main text should include:
Title of the manuscript (Turkish and English)
• Turkish and English abstracts should be on separate pages. Abbreviations, tables, figures, and references should not be used in the abstract.
Keywords should be written in Turkish and English, separated by commas, and should be at least three and at most five.
• English keywords should be given by with “Medical Subject headers (MESH)". (
Turkish keywords should be given by Turkish science terms (TBT) (
1. Main Text
The main text should contain sections according to the text types described above.
2. Limitations
If the study has limitations, it should be given after the conclusion and recommendations section in the main text.
3. Acknowledgment
In the article, it is recommended to be thanked by specifying their names that people who do not meet the requirements of authorship but who contribute to the manuscript (statistical analysis, English / Turkish evaluation) and / or technically contribute. Besides, during the study and writing the manuscript, all financial and financial support people and institutions should be indicated and any conflicts of interest should be written.
4. References
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references.
In the text;
• All references in the text should be in the reference part and all references in the reference part should be in the text.
• References should be listed in parenthesis and listed in the order of passage in the text. If more than one source is used, a comma must be placed between the sources. When using more than two consecutive sources, the first and last source numbers must be specified and a hyphen should be inserted (e.g. 2-6).
• If the reference in the text has two authors please write “and” between the surnames. If more than two authors please write “first author's surname et al. (year)”. If the author's name does not appear in the text, the reference should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the sentence or paragraph.
In the reference section;
• At the end of the text, references should be numbered in the order they are used in the text and should be given in a separate list.
• If the number of authors in the reference is 6 or less, they should all be written, if 7 or more, please write first 6 and “et al."
• Avoid the use of a reference whose original text cannot be reached.
• If the names of the journals are included in Index Medicus, they should be abbreviated as they are in the Index Medicus, if not in full.
• If there are Turkish references in the manuscripts, the English translations of the references should be given in parentheses.
• Unpublished theses can be cited as references by writing “unpublished theses” in parentheses.
• Congress papers, personal experiences, unpublished publications, internet addresses not supported by national or international institutions and organizations should not be cited as references.
References should be written in “APA 6th edition”.
Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year, month if any). The name of the article is only in the first letter of the first word, and the rest is lowercase if it is not a special name. The name of the journal (abbreviation) is italicized and the first letter of each word is capitalized, the volume is italicized (number), the page number range.
Kizilay, A., Ozturan, O., Erdem, T., Kalcioglu, M. T., & Miman, M. C. (2003). Effects of chronic exposure of electromagnetic fields from mobile phones on hearing in rats. Auris Nasus Larynx, 30(3), 239-245.
Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). The title of the book is italic and completely lowered after the first letter (except for special names). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Brotzman, S. B., & Manske, R. C. (2011). Clinical Orthopaedic Rehabilitation E-Book: An Evidence-Based Approach-Expert Consult. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Book Chapter:
Author's Surname, Initials of Author's Name. (Year). Title of the chapter. The initial of the editor's name (s). The surname of the editor (Ed.), the name of the book and the first letter (except for the special names) are completely lowered (page number range). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Melanie, SM., Hickey, JV. (2003). Neuroscience critical care. Hickey JV. The clinical practice of neurological and neurosurgical nursing. 5th ed. (ss.359-67). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Unpublished thesis:
Author's Last Name, Initials of Author's Name. (Year.) The name of the thesis is in italics, with only the first letter of the first word in uppercase, the rest in lowered if not specific names (unpublished Master/Doctoral Thesis). Name of the Institution, Location of the Institution.
Kırmızı, M. (2017). Kronik boyun ağrılı bireylerde şok absorban özellikle tabanlık kullanımının yürüyüş parametreleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesi. (Yayımlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi). Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İZMİR.
Note: If the thesis is published as an article, the article should be cited as the reference, not the thesis.
Electronic Journal:
Moulder, JE. (1999) Electromagnetic Fields and Human Health. Electromagnetic Technology (Electronic Journal) 6(s3): 17-28. (date of access:23 March 2017).
Electronic report, document:
World Health Organization. World alliance for patient safety forward program 2005. (Erişim Tarihi: 8 Ağustos 2010).
TC Sağlık Bakanlığı. Sağlıkta performans ve kalite yönergesi.
5. Table, Figure, Photo, Picture
Tables, figures, photographs, and pictures should be numbered in Arabic text (1, 2, 3…) in the order of passage in the text. The image quality of the images and photographs submitted electronically should be high.
Submitting the Article
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi accepts only the manuscripts submitted through the Article Tracking System; e-mail and postings are not considered. In the process of evaluating and accepting manuscripts, all kinds of communication with the authors are made automatically through the online article tracking system. Before submitting an article, it is necessary to register for the system. To send an article to the journal, all steps determined by the system must be performed in order. All steps in the system must be completed.
Checking List
- Title Page (must contain title and author information) (to be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
Turkish and English Title,
Names of the authors, institutions,
Corresponding authors and contact information
- Main Text (to be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
Turkish and English abstract
Turkish and English keywords (up to 5 words)
Main text, tables, and figures (written according to the rules)
References (written according to the rules)
- Signed “Agreement Form” (to be uploaded to the system as a separate file)
- Ethics committee approval (to be uploaded to the system as a separate file)

Publication Policy

The first issue of Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi was published in July 2017. The issues of peer-reviewed (double-blinded) scientific journal are published in January, May and September in 3 issues in English and / or Turkish.

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi adopts the open access journal policy. For this reason, it has adopted the principle of contributing to the support of science in this sense by offering all the content it publishes directly to open access.This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.This is in accordance with BOAI definition of open access. In addition, no fees are charged at any stage for the articles sent to our journal.

Article Evaluation Process

Article submission and evaluation of the manuscript by members of the editorial board are conducted electronically. If the article has previously published quotations, tables, and pictures, the author(s) must obtain written permission from the original author(s) of the article and state it in the article. Papers presented at scientific meetings are accepted provided that they are stated in the article. Besides, published abstracts in special issues of journals should be provided as detailed information. The Editorial Board evaluates the timeliness of the manuscript, its contribution to the practices and the conformity of the manuscripts with the journal writing rules within 15 working days. Manuscripts that do not comply with the rules of the journal are returned to the responsible author for correction. Manuscripts that comply with the rules of writing are sent to at least 2 reviewer after the editor's control. The names of the authors and reviewers are not kept open to each other at any stage (double-blind peer review). Articles approved by the reviewers may be published but the final decision on the publication of the manuscript is up to the editors. Necessary corrections in terms of meaning and spelling rules can be made by editors and reviewers. After the manuscript is submitted to the journal, none of the authors can be deleted from the list of authors, nor can any names be added as authors and the author’s order cannot be changed. For the manuscript to be published, the approval of the manuscript is obtained through the final form. The responsible author shall be notified of the number and number of journals in which the manuscript will be published. This evaluation process covers all types of articles submitted to the journal.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism means taking parts of the others study completely or partially and using them without citing reference. In addition, even if the citing is indicated, it cannot be quoted partially or completely from a study. The fact that the articles belong to the authors does not change this situation. All studies submitted to our journal are subjected to  iThenticate plagiarism screening before the reviewer evaluation. Although there is no definite percentage, articles with plagiarism of 25% or more are returned to the authors.

Ethical Responsibility (Ethics committee approval of the studies MUST be uploaded to the system as a separate file)

The manuscripts submitted to the journal for publication should not have been previously published, accepted for publication and/or not evaluated in another journal. The papers presented at the congress or symposium should be indicated on the title page. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi is based on the International Council of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which guides for authors, reviewers, and editors. In the method section of experimental research on humans, there should be a sentence indicating that volunteers or patient’s consent was obtained after explaining the procedures applied to them. Author(s), should indicate that the provisions of the principles are observed such investigations; the Declaration of Helsinki (2013 revision), Yükseköğretim Kurulu Bilimsel Araştırma ve Yayın Etiği Yönergesi (dated 29.08.2012, 2012.18.946 numbered), guide Laboratory Animals Care (Guide for the care and use of Laboratory Animals), Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee of the Ministry of  Water Affairs and Forestry Regarding the working principles of (15 February 2014 dated, numbered 28914), the regulation on clinical trials of pharmaceutical and biological products, Ministry of Health (13.04.2013 date, 28617 number). In the material-method section of the article, the date/number of the approval of the Ethics Committee should be written. It should be stated that informed consent was obtained from the participants. Individuals who are not qualified to make decisions (children, unconscious patients, etc.) informed consent should be obtained from parents/first-degree relatives of the participants. It is necessary to declare in writing at the bottom of the title page whether any financial support has been received for the submitted research and whether there is a conflict of interest. No fee/provision is paid for articles published in the journal. The editorial board accepts that the author(s) have committed that they will not submit their articles to another journal until the evaluation process has been completed. Articles on ethics, scientific, legal, etc. compliance with the rules is the responsibility of the authors.

All articles published or accepted for publication in Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi adopts the open access journal policy. For this reason, it has adopted the principle of contributing to the support of science in this sense by offering all the content it publishes directly to open access. In addition, no fees are charged at any stage for the articles sent to our journal.